Hypnotherapy for Medical Patients

Pain Control

Pain is both a signal and how the brain interprets that signal. Chronic pain no longer conveys useful information, so Donald teaches clients how to turn it down or even ignore it completely. In particular, he helps them to deal with the emotional component of discomfort, improving the ability to function and enjoy their life.


Hypnosis therapy prior to surgery enables patients to remain calm and confident before and during the procedure. It prepares the mind and body to do their part in allowing the process to be easy and distress-free and minimizing pain, swelling, bleeding, bruising. Post-surgery, hypnotic suggestions help minimize pain, swelling, bleeding. and bruising; promoting rapid healing and recovery. Hypnotized patients need less anesthesia and the operation time may be reduced. For example...

MRI Preparation

An MRI can produce fears such as being buried alive, suffocating, or waiting for your body to be crushed. At the least, they can be quite uncomfortable. An open MRI is only a partial solution, as it can increase the cost of the procedure by about three times. Donald uses hypnosis, then teaches the client self-hypnosis, so you go through the procedure with the sense that you are relaxing on a favorite beach, hiking in the mountains or hitting golf balls.

Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), etc.

The Quantum Focusing protocol is based on the premise that the discomforts of Fibromyalgia and IBS are unconsciously learned reactions to unrecognized stimuli in the client’s life and environment. The challenge is to neutralize and reprogram those reactions. So, this strategy can work for any emotional or stress-related disorder such as Crone’s, Ulcerative Colitis, etc.

Skin Problems and Rashes

Donald helps resolve emotional components underlying chronic conditions. Hypnotherapy is an effective adjunct to medical treatment.


Hypnosis therapy and NLP relieve most phobias, even those suffered for many years. Though the phobia is often removed in one session, a few more sessions help the client learn to live without the phobia.

Phobias and fears can range from bothersome to debilitating. Typical examples are:

  • finding it difficult or impossible to cross bridges
  • being very uncomfortable in crowds of people
  • finding it hard to drive on busy roads and highways
  • being very uncomfortable in open areas and spaces
  • being very uncomfortable in enclosed spaces
  • finding it difficult to leave your home
  • fears of birds snakes, bees or wasps, or spiders
  • fear of heights

Annoying Habits

Nail-biting, picking at skin and cuticles, and Tricotilomania (hair pulling)

These are usually maladaptive responses to stress and anxiety. Hypnotherapy techniques are particularly effective at enabling the unconscious resolution of the habit.