Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and Stress · 16. September 2024
Fear is an EMOTION, it is not rational. To resolve fear, you must work on the UNCONSCIOUS level. Two ways of doing this are CORE TRANSFORMATION and WHOLENESS WORK.

I Haven't Slept in 20 Years!
Anxiety and Stress · 09. October 2020
“I haven’t slept in 20 years,” she said, my new client, Jennifer, a woman in her early 40s. “Of course, she must sleep some,” I thought to myself – we need sleep in order to survive. But clearly, she hadn’t slept nearly enough and probably not very well.

Anxiety and Stress · 31. March 2020
Guiding you into a wonderful, relaxed, enhanced, altered state of mind. Enjoy!

Anxiety and Stress · 04. November 2016
Hypnotherapy with an anxious woman who was convinced she was being stalked by teenagers making bird sounds.

Anxiety and Stress · 06. August 2015
Dawn, a friend of mine, wanted help with her anger. As we talked, Dawn told me how she would sometimes fly into rages, especially with men, her teenage son in particular. It could be an argument or just a discussion, and she would suddenly find herself furious, unable to calm down, while at the same time realizing how inappropriate this was, how her feelings, voice, and demeanor were completely out of proportion to whatever disagreement or conflict might have been present.

Anxiety and Stress · 05. August 2015
Helen called me on my office phone, about her next appointment – ostensibly. I’m not sure how I knew – must have been something in her voice. “Are you having a panic attack?” I asked. “Yes.” I thought so.

Anxiety and Stress · 28. July 2015
The following is a brief summary of a 4-day NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) training, “Resolving PTSD," with Steve Andreas. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD – stems from a traumatic event or events which was directly or indirectly experienced. Symptoms may include flashbacks, disturbing and recurrent dreams, avoidance, negative thinking and moods, hyper-vigilance, feelings of estrangement from others, aggressive and/or self-destructive behaviors. "… an exposure to a terrifying...

Anxiety and Stress · 12. July 2015
Do as the heavens have done, forget your evil; With them forgive yourself. – Shakespeare, Winter’s Tale, Act V, Scene 1 “Unforgiveable, what he did!” My friend Marlena sits across the table from me in the Little Bakery, her bowl of soup half-finished. Outside are mountainous piles of snow, the residue from the third blizzard this winter – some are still digging out. A deep furrow splits her brow; she flares her nostrils.

Overcoming Anxiety
Anxiety and Stress · 01. July 2015
If you’re someone who worries, well – don’t worry about it: all of us do, at one time or another. Sometimes we worry about something particular: money, the economy, our children, our parents, our health, whether we locked the door – you know. And then some of us get caught up in the sum total of our worries without any particular one being identifiable; we generalize our worry, and that’s what is known as anxiety.

Anxiety and Stress · 29. June 2015
What is stress, anyway? Stress seems to seethe all around us – you read about it in the newspapers and magazines, hear about it on the TV, google about it on the Web. There appears to be a consensus out there: Stress is hazardous to your health and well-being.

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